Baby Einstein Wiki

This is the script for Character Street's 50th Anniversary Celebration.


Vanguard Animation, Family's Television Workshop And Character Street Home Video Logos

A taxi stops at a cookie store. Goofy comes out of the taxi, entering a toy store.

Goofy walks into the store, asking the worker if he knows where Character Street is.

Goofy: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to-

Goofy notices lost of party games.

Goofy: I'd like to buy all of your party games, please!

The worker grabs one of each party game and pays for each of them. Then, he gives all of them to Goofy.

Worker: Have a good day, sir!

Goofy: You too!

Goofy walks into a dollar store.

Goofy: Hello sir, I would like all the balloons, streamers, and every other type of party supply, please!

Worker: Okay, that will be 50 dollars for each of the supplies!

Goofy: Thanks!

Goofy walks up to some girl scouts.

Goofy: I would like all of your cookies please!

Girl Scout #1: All of them?

Goofy: Yup!

Girl Scout #1: Okay, here you go!

Goofy: Thanks! Also, I have a question. Can you tell me how to get to Character Street?

Girl Scout #2: Sure! First, you turn left, then you go through a roundabout, take the exit through Longwell Road, Pass the construction site, and your destination, Character Street, should be on the right.

Goofy: Gwarsh, I guess that's why you should always ask a scout! *Laughs* Have a great day!

Girl Scouts: You Too!
